Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Performing CLONE steps...
  Log: /opt/oracle/CLOUD/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/11/fs_clone_20150806_103139/CLOUD_ebsclone4
*******FATAL ERROR*******
PROGRAM : (/opt/oracle/*****/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/txkADOPPreparePhaseSynchronize.pl)
TIME : Thu Aug 6 10:34:59 2015
FUNCTION: TXK::SQLPLUS::_doExecute [ Level 3 ] 
SQLPLUS error: buffer=

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Aug 6 10:34:59 2015

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> SQL> Connected.
SQL> SELECT clone_status||',' FROM ad_adop_session_patches WHERE status in ('R','F','N') AND bug_number = 'CLONE' AND node_name = 'ebsclone4' AND adop_session_id =
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00936: missing expression

A. For a manual workaround:
1. Apply Patch 19045166 to obtain the diagnostic information for the latest adop sessions.
2. From generated diagnostics check the adzdshowstatus.out.
  For example:
=                 Summary of the Last 10 ADOP Cycles

Session ID Node Name  Node Type Started    Elapsed(Prepare) Elapsed(Cutover) Elapsed(Cleanup) Elapsed(Apply)  Status       Patches Applied      Session Type
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------ -------------------- ---------------
       13 ebsystem  master    24-AUG-15  1:04:50          0:00:00          0:00:00          0:00:00         FAILED       --                   --

       11 ebsystem  master    04-AUG-15  0:33:39          0:00:00          0:01:56          0:00:00         FAILED       CONFIG_CLONE         CONFIG_CLONE

3. Take a back up for table ad_adop_session_patches.
4. Run the following sql:

 update ad_adop_session_patches set
 where bug_number='CONFIG_CLONE' and status <> 'Y' and adop_Session_id=<* ;
Where <*> =  the session_id related to the CONFIG_CLONE row, in above example eg.  adop_Session_id= '11'.

5. Re-run adop phase=fs_clone to confirm the results.

B. For a patching solution:
1. Download and review the readme of Patch  21132723.  This patch is part of 21132723:R12.AD.C 1-OFF Fixes on top of R12.AD.C.DELTA.6.
2. Apply the patch in a test instance after a backup and re-test.
3. Confirm the file version:  $AD_TOP/perl/ADOP ClonePhase.pm 120.0.12020000.8
3. Apply the patch to other instances the same as needed.

12.2 E-Business Suite - Collecting Online Patching and fs_clone Log Files (Doc ID 1542162.1)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Statndard tables columns are missing, 12.2 Upgrade

Their is sync missing between original synonym and the Edition View.

Expected in Upgrade 12.2

Use Upgrade Procedure for a table to be in sync with Edition View

SQL> exec ad_zd_table.upgrade(table_owner, table_name);

How to Add a Column:

Altering a table – Adding Columns and Indexes

1.  Alter table in custom schema the usual way.
alter table cust_table add cust_sex varchar2(1) NOT NULL;

Regenerate the editioning view using AD_ZD_TABLE.PATCH

SQL> exec ad_zd_table.patch(table_owner, table_name);

NB: Once the table is altered with the table name, “exec ad_zd_table.patch(‘XXSDS’, ‘XXSD_EMPLOYEE’)” needs to be applied every time


exec ad_zd_table.upgrade(table_owner, table_name);

Report# adzddbcc.lst

DOC>  EBS Online Patching Database Compliance Checker
DOC>  $Header: ADZDDBCC.sql 120.13.12020000.61 2015/03/03 13:10:21 seetsing ship $
DOC>  **********************************************************************

Elapsed: 00:04:53.30
DOC>  **********************************************************************
DOC>  **********************************************************************
DOC>  "Table must have an Editioning View"
DOC>   - P2: These tables may not be patched using Online Patching
DOC>   - Fix violations by calling the table upgrade procedure:
DOC>       SQL> exec ad_zd_table.upgrade(table_owner, new_table_name)
DOC>   - Note: Tables that end with "_A" are typically audit tables
DOC>           by the Audit Trail feature, and can be ignored.

OWNER            NAME
---------------- ------------------------------

Perform the below.
$ sqlplus system/****@$TWO_TASK
SQL> alter session set current_schema=APPS; 
SQL> exec ad_zd_table.upgrade('APPLSYS', 'TXK_TCC_RESULTS'); 
SQL> commit;
2. Re-run Online Patching Readiness Report. 

Unable to Login Self Service page or After Giving Login Credentials users getting Blank page 12.2

Monitore For Connection Leaks within the WebLogic Console
Oracle WebLogic Server provides monitoring options to system administrators for JDBC connections.
To set up and monitor these options, follow these steps.
  1. Log in to the WebLogic Console, which is typically at machine.domain:port/console. If you are unsure of the port number, review the context variable s_wls_adminport.
  2. Navigate to to Services (Tree Link) -> Data Sources (Tree Link) -> EBSDataSource (Page Link) -> Monitoring (Tab).
  3. Click on Customize This Table. Move the options required from Available to Chosen.

    1. Suggested values:
      1. Active Connections
      2. Current Count
      3. Current Capacity
      4. Leaked Connection Count
      5. Number Available
      6. Number Unavailable
  1. Press Apply. 

Note: Leaked Connection Count will need the Inactive Connection Timeout (ICT) parameter to be turned on. By default, it is turned off to cater for the dedicated connections that need to remain idle within an Oracle E-Business Suite managed server. Therefore, enabling the Inactive Connection Timeout parameter is only recommended during the debugging of suspected connection leaks.
Before enabling ICT, verify the version of OAConnectionPoolManagerImpl.class is 120.7.12020000.2 or higher.
For example:
$ adident Header $OA_JAVA/oracle/apps/fnd/framework/server/OAConnectionPoolManagerImpl.class
$Header OAConnectionPoolManagerImpl.java 120.7.12020000.2 2015/02/10 09:19:45 spunam ship $
If it is at a lower version than 120.7.12020000.2, apply Patch 21619282.

Inactive Connection Timeout    
The number of inactive seconds on a reserved connection before WebLogic Server reclaims the connection and releases it back into the connection pool.
You can use the Inactive Connection Timeout feature to reclaim leaked connections - connections that were not explicitly closed by the application. Note that this feature is not intended to be used in place of properly closing connections.
When set to 0, the feature is disabled.
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 2147483647
To set the Inactive Connection Timeout parameter, follow these steps.
  1. Login to the WebLogic Server console, which is typically at machine.domain.port:7001/console. The port number can be found by examining the s_wls_adminport variable in the context file.
  2. Navigate to Services (Tree Link) -> Data Sources (Tree Link) -> EBSDataSource (Page Link)-> Connection Pool (tab) -> Advanced (Expand Arrow).
  3. Click on the Lock and Edit Button in the top left hand corner of the screen.
  4. Update the Inactive Connection Timeout to the desired value in seconds: for example, a setting of 3600 for one hour.
  5. Monitor the system, and after two iterations review the following files from the run file system.
    1. $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/servername/logs/managed_server#.log and $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/servername/logs/managed_server#.out files.
      1. If multiple managed servers are deployed in different nodes, obtain the above files for each defined managed server.
      2. A change to the DataSource will affect all target servers (in a cluster).
  6. Within the log files, look for Oracle WebLogic Server message number BEA-001153.
    1. For example, the following message and a stack trace specific to the connection are created when the connection is closed by Inactive Connection Timeout:
####<Oct 27, 2014 3:10:33 PM PDT> <Warning> <JDBC> <rws3220424> <oacore_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <55a558fff3133dee:65b5ca10:149539dd27e:-8000-000000000000006e> <1414447833111> <BEA-001153> <Forcibly releasing inactive/harvested connection "weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PoolConnection_oracle_jdbc_driver_T4CConnection@31e8" back into the data source connection pool "EBSDataSource", currently reserved by: java.lang.Exception
    1. Example stack from a known issue:
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionEnv.setup(ConnectionEnv.java:366)
at weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePoolImpl.reserveResource(ResourcePoolImpl.java:373)
at weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePoolImpl.reserveResource(ResourcePoolImp @ l.java:339)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserve(ConnectionPool.java:469)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserve(ConnectionPool.java:363)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPoolManager.reserve(ConnectionPoolManager.java:125)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getPoolConnection(RmiDataSource.java:454)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getConnectionInternal(RmiDataSource.java:538)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getConnection(RmiDataSource.java:498)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor142.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.DBConnObjWLSDSPool.getConnection(DBConnObjWLSDSPool.java:373)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.dbConnect(AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.java:223)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.localAppsConnect(AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.java:193) at oracle.apps.fnd.security.AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.makeGuestConnection(AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.java:68) at oracle.apps.fnd.security.DBConnObj.getLabelledConnection(DBConnObj.java:314)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.DBConnObj.<init>(DBConnObj.java:233)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.DBConnObjDS.<init>(DBConnObjDS.java:98)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor140.newInstance(Unknown @ Source)
You can run the following SQL to obtain additional information about connection usage.
set lines 132
set pages 500
column module heading "Module Name" format a48;
column machine heading "Machine Name" format a25;
column process heading "Process ID" format a10;
prompt Connection Usage Per process and module
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

select count(*), machine, process, module from gv$session where program like '%JDBC%' group by machine, process, module order by 3 asc;

Save this as a .sql file, for example ict.sql, then execute it:

Note: If you are on a lower codelevel than TXK Delta 6, do not run this SQL as the results will be unreliable. Instead, review My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1958352.1, On E-Business Suite 12.2 V$SESSION.PROCESS incorrectly reports EBS Client Process ID as '1234'.

Example stack trace from a known issue: 
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionEnv.setup(ConnectionEnv.java:366)
at weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePoolImpl.reserveResource(ResourcePoolImpl.java:373)
at weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePoolImpl.reserveResource(ResourcePoolImp @ l.java:339)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserve(ConnectionPool.java:469)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPool.reserve(ConnectionPool.java:363)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.ConnectionPoolManager.reserve(ConnectionPoolManager.java:125)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getPoolConnection(RmiDataSource.java:454)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getConnectionInternal(RmiDataSource.java:538)
at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getConnection(RmiDataSource.java:498)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor142.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.DBConnObjWLSDSPool.getConnection(DBConnObjWLSDSPool.java:373)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.dbConnect(AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.java:223)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.localAppsConnect(AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.java:193) at oracle.apps.fnd.security.AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.makeGuestConnection(AppsConnectionManagerWLSDS.java:68) at oracle.apps.fnd.security.DBConnObj.getLabelledConnection(DBConnObj.java:314)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.DBConnObj.<init>(DBConnObj.java:233)
at oracle.apps.fnd.security.DBConnObjDS.<init>(DBConnObjDS.java:98)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor140.newInstance(Unknown @ Source)

The below patches are recommended for these connection leak and many other framework related issues.
For 12.2.x, with Delta 6

-Apply the following patches if not already applied:
19494816 - connection leak on ErrorStack.java, fix released -- AOL 
19807163 - transactionscope - connection leak in 12.2.4 -- Oracle Applications Manager 
19858552 - npe during error handling, fix released (12.2.4) – OAF 

Might have to apply below patches as well and see if it can fix the issue
-Please use How To Check If a Patch is Applied in 12.2.x ( Doc ID 1963046.1 )


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

OAM or OID SSL: Weblogic Console URL in Browser Gives Error code: ssl_error_weak_server

After SSL enable we seen the below issue in Chrome & Firefox Browsers.

Accessing Weblogic Console URL in Browser Gives Error code: ssl_error_weak_server 

Enterprise Manager (EM) 12c Cloud Control uses 10.3 weblogic server; accessing weblogic console URL (https://<OMS HOSTNAME>:7101/console) in browser gives the following error: 

In Chrome Browser: 
Server has a weak, ephemeral Diffie-Hellman public key 

In Firefox Browser: 
SSL received a weak ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key in Server Key Exchange handshake message. 
(Error code: sl_error_weak_server_ephemeral_dh_key) 

This is on HP-UX, Will be applicable to other Unix Flavors.

Find and confirm what possible ciphers been supported with your platform & JDK Version.

Possibly like below, Add them to config.xml under "SSL" tag.


And also check for enable or disable below parameters.

Once you are good with the parameters restart the Managed Server. And be sure that your certs loaded and Application url listening on desired Ports.

Good Luck!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Set up SSL in OAM (11gR2 PS3), When integrating with 12.2

1. Demo Certificates

The below messages in your Web logic Log indicates that your web logic domain holds a risk.
Whilst you do not want SSL communication for your web services or applications. The internal (administrative) processes in your Weblogic domain still relies on the default demotrust and with this everyone can access your domain

2. Generate the identity java keystore

keytool -genkey -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA -alias hostname -keystore hostname_identity.jks

Subject:   CN=host.domain.com,OU=OraFinHR,O=Becker,L=SF,ST=CA,C=US

3. Generate signing request

keytool -certreq -alias hostname -file certnew.csr -keystore hostname_identity.jks

4. Certificate Authority (CA)

Certificate Authority to sign your certificate requests (the .CSR files you generated).
You can create your own CA and self-sign them, Shall use an external Internet CA provider,
Since this becomes expensive and time prone when you need such an external provider to sign every SSL enabled server in your landscape.
The best situation for us would be if the current organization already has an internal CA provider,  especially when the rootCA is trusted by the servers and machines in your landscape.

5. Convert .p7b file to Readable Format#
$ openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in certnew.p7b -out cert_chain.cer

6. Importing the CA response
Import the certificates in your keystore, starting with the rootCA, then the intermediateCA, then the specific server alias

keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias rootca -file ca.crt -keystore hostname_identity.jks
keytool -importcert -alias intermediateca -file initca.crt -keystore hostname_identity.jks
keytool -importcert -alias server01 -file certnew.cer -keystore hostname_identity.jks

keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias rootca -file ca.crt -keystore hostname_trust.jks
keytool -importcert -alias intermediateca -file initca.crt -keystore hostname_trust.jks

7. Change Settings in Weblogic Server

NB: Make sure you take a back up of config.xml, before you proceed to Enable SSL.
Location: $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<DOMAIN>/config/config.xml
By Preserving this at any point you can roll back changes, and resume services with the old settings.

Login into the Weblogic Console
Go to Domain Structure > IDMDomain >>Environment >> Servers
Make sure SSL Listen Port should be checked.

Click on Keystores Tab & Click on Keystores::Change >> Select “Custom Identity and Custom Trust”
Custom Identity Keystore <Give full keystore path>
Custom Identity Keystore Type <JKS>
Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase <anything>
Same for Custom Trust Keystore: You can give keystore path or CACERTS path.

Click on SSL tab >
Private Key Alias > Give the alias name what you given while you generating keystore file and PassPhrase.

Click Save.
Goto Change Centre >> Activate Changes.
Restart the Admin Server. The Admin log should like below.
NB: Also make sure "JSSE" check box is checked, Under SSL> Advanced tab.

NB: Repeat these steps for intended Managed Servers

Verify your URL:

8. Change the OAM protocol

NB: Make sure you take a back up of oam-config.xml, before you proceed to Enable Protocol.
Location: $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<DOMAIN>/config/fmwconfig/oam-config.xml

By Preserving this at any point you can roll back changes, and resume services with the old settings.

After Enable SSL, Change in (11gR2 PS3 OAM). Login into the "oamconsole" and change the Protocol to SSL

Goto Access Manager Settings > Change OAM Server Port to SSL Port & OAM Server Protocol to “https”

Restart the OAM Managed Server

Login into the EBS and Test whether your URL is redirecting to the oam SSL url.


Friday, October 30, 2015


The following is an example of a default config set:

cn=configset, cn=osdldapd, cn=subconfigsubentry
orclsslauthentication=32  (This can be 0, 32, or 64.)

for orclsslauthentication:
    0  - is mode 1 in SSL ODM client (No Authentication)
            + no authentication or confidentiality mode.
            + no server wallet or client wallet needed.
            + Diffie Hellman algorithms will be used.

    32 - is mode 2 in SSL ODM client (Server Authentication)
            + server authentication only
            + complete server wallet needed (private key, certificate, the
              signer certificate, and trustpoints)
            + client wallet needed (Client wallet only needs to have trustpoints
              so as to be able to verify the server certificates.
            + RSA algorithms will be used.

    64 - is mode 3 in SSL ODM client (Client and Server Authentication)

            + this SSL mode will requires server and client authentication.
            + complete server wallet needed (server private key, server
              certificate, trustpoints, etc...)
       + complete client wallet on ODM side (client private key, client
              certificate, trustpoints, etc..)
            + RSA algorithms will be used.


1. The SSL mode must be consistent between the client and server.
2. If the server is setup with server mode (2), clients can use either mode 1
   or mode 2 (No Authentication or Server Authentication)
3. If the server is setup with mode 3 (Client and Server Authentication),
   clients can ONLY use mode 3 (SSL Client and Server Authentication).
4. If the server is setup with mode 1 (No Authentication) then the client can
   ONLY use mode 1 (No Authentication)

Security >> Wallet

Either Create a Self Signed or Import a existing wallet.

Click Oracle Internet Directory > Administration > Server Properties

Click on Change SSL Settings

From SSL Authentication Select from “No Authentication”  >> “Server Authentication”  or “Mutual Authentication”

-      Select ciphers (it is recommended to select ciphers based on enterprise security requirements)
-       Restart OID using opmnctl stopall; opmnctl startall

OID OAM Env Issues on HP-UX

Issue Description or Issue Log#

$$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h hostname -p 3060 \
> -D "cn=orcladmin" -w pwd -b \
> "cn=Provisioning Profiles, cn=Changelog Subscriber, cn=Oracle Internet Directory" \
> -s sub "objectclass=*" > profile.ldif
/usr/lib/hpux64/dld.so: Unsatisfied code symbol 'nzcrltlfc_temp_ldap_fetch_crl' in load module '/u01/oracle/mw/Oracle_IDM1/bin/ldapsearch'.
/usr/lib/hpux64/dld.so: Unsatisfied code symbol 'nzcrltliu_temp_ldap_is_url' in load module '/u01/oracle/mw/Oracle_IDM1/bin/ldapsearch'.
/usr/lib/hpux64/dld.so: Unsatisfied code symbol 'nzcrltlfc_temp_ldap_fetch_crldp' in load module '/u01/oracle/mw/Oracle_IDM1/bin/ldapsearch'.

Fix# Make sure env is pointing to IDM /OID
export SHLIB_PATH=/u01/oracle/mw/Oracle_IDM1/lib

Check for any other env is pointing to any other Oracle Homes Except IDM/OID

Same for other ldap utilities like 
ldapadd       ldapbind      ldapdelete    ldapmodify    ldapsearch
ldapaddmt     ldapcompare   ldapmoddn     ldapmodifymt


ldapsearch -h hostname-p 3081 -D cn=orcladmin -w pwd -b "" -s sub -L "cn=oid1" orclnonsslport > modifyport.ldif
ldapmodify -h hostname -p 3081 -D cn=orcladmin -w pwd -f modifyport.ldif

How To Change LDAP Port OID

Oracle Internet Directory - Version and later

1.   Issue a ldapsearch like the following:

ldapsearch -h hostname -p 3060 -D cn=orcladmin -w %pwd -b "" -s sub -L "cn=oid1" orclnonsslport > modifyport.ldif

2- Open the modifyport.ldif with vi and you should see the following:

dn: cn=oid1, cn=odsldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry

orclnonsslport: 3060

3-  Modify this file so it looks like the following

(setting the non-sslport to 3070)

dn: cn=oid1, cn=odsldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry

changetype: modify
replace: orclnonsslport
orclnonsslport: 3070

4- Run ldapmodify on the file modifyport.ldif

ldapmodify -h hostname -p 3060 -D cn=orcladmin -w pwd -f modifyport.ldif

Output like#
modifying entry cn=oid1,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry

5- Stop OID 

opmnctl stopproc ias-component=oid1

6- Restart OID

opmnctl startproc ias-component=oid1

6- test a ldapbind on the new port

ldapbind -h hostname -p 3070
bind successful

For LDAP Options

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Enhanced Features of EBS 12.2.5

Enhanced new Application DBA features of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.5 

Script to Automate Changing Oracle WebLogic Server Administration User Password (Conditional to be on patch set level R12.AD.C.Delta.7 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.7 )
  • The procedure used to change the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration User Password has been simplified and largely automated by the introduction of a new utility that performs what were previously manual steps.

    You can set the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration User password to a non-default value during Oracle E-Business Suite installation. if you need to change the password at a later time, you can do so on the run file system by shutting down all application tier services except the Admin Server, then running the new
    $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkUpdateEBSDomain.pl script with the -action=updateAdminPassword option.
Support for Middle Tier EBS Technology Checker
  • The new middle tier checker (MT-ETCC) technology script complements the original ETCC database checker script (now called DB-ETCC). The scripts report respectively on any missing middle tier and database tier bugfixes and patches that are required for Release 12.2.
Simplified Procedure for Changing WLS Data Source
  • Changing the APPS schema password in the WLS Data Source with FNDCPASS or AFPASSWD has now been simplified and partially automated. The required sequence of actions on the run file system of the primary node includes shutting down the application tier services; starting AdminServer with the adadminsrvctl.sh script; running thetxkManageDBConnectionPool.pl script and choosing the 'updateDSPassword' option; and finally restarting the application tier services. Reference: Chapter 6, Basic DBA Tasks, Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide.
Improved Delete Node and Delete Managed Server APIs
  • The improvements include addition of more validations.
Mandatory Definitions of Context Variables
  • Definition of the following is mandatory in the pairs file used for standard clone and for addition of nodes:
    • s_webentryurlprotocol
    • s_webentryhost
    • s_webentrydomain
    • s_active_webport
Various Fixes for Oracle Database 12c
  • These include cleanup of existing integrations following run of Rapid Clone.
Automatic Execution of ETCC on Database Tier After Cloning
  • This now takes place automatically, instead of as a manual step after database tier cloning.
 Various adop Enhancements and Fixes
  • These include enhancemente to validations, logging and security.
3.1 Enhanced adop user interface
Changed UI
The UI of the adop utility has been significantly enhanced, to display more selective information on the console. Messages, prompts and other elements have also been extensively refined to increase the ease of use of the various patching commands.
Dependent on operation

3.2 New adop monitoring and validation features
New features
Progress of an online patching cycle can be followed by running the new Online Patching Monitoring utility (adopmon). This utility can be used to follow the overall progress of a patching cycle, as well as identifying the various individual adop actions being taken.

$ adopmon

Before you start a new patching cycle by running the prepare phase, you can optionally check your system's readiness by running adop with the 'validate' option. If you do this while a patching cycle is in progress, validation will take place for the cutover phase.
$ adop -validate

3.3 Support for new EBS Installation Central Inventory
New feature
Support for an instance-specific EBS Installation Central Inventory has been introduced as an option for the application tier on UNIX platforms. The inventory is identified by <s_base>/oraInventory/oraInst.loc. This feature is useful where multiple Oracle E-Business Suite installations exist on the same host, helping to avoid issues when fs_clone is run simultaneously on different instances.

To use the EBS Installation Central Inventory, all application tier Oracle Homes registered in the global inventory for the instance must be migrated to the new inventory.
Not applicable

To use the EBS Installation Central Inventory, all application tier Oracle Homes registered in the global inventory for the instance must be migrated to the new inventory. This is done by running the following steps on the primary application tier node:

1.    Source the run edition file system.
2.    Edit the context file and set the value of the context variable s_ebs_central_inventory to 'true'.
3.    Run AutoConfig.
4.    Run the following command:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/txkMigrateInventory.pl -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE>
Ensure that all application tier Oracle Homes have been migrated to the EBS Installation Central Inventory.
Repeat all the above steps on any non-shared nodes and shared master nodes (for example, in a hybrid setup). For all shared slave nodes, perform Steps 1 to 3 (only) on each node.

Once the inventory is migrated, any subsequently added nodes will be automatically configured to use the EBS Installation Central Inventory, and any new target instance cloned from this instance will automatically be configured to use it.
3.4 Oracle WebLogic Server performance improvements
New options
  • A new -DserverType=wlx start argument for managed servers reduces their memory footprint, by preventing startup of the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA), and Java Message Service (JMS) services.

  • To reduce oacore startup time, the Portlet Producer libraries are no longer deployed to the EBS domain. A new context variable, s_deploy_portlet, has been introduced to cater for cases where portlet-related configuration is required, such as in instances needing Webcenter integration.
New mode
The default value of s_forms-c4wsstatus is now set to 'Disabled'.Thus, the formsc4-ws servers are no longer started during a 'start all' operation.
Several related enhancements have been made to Oracle WebLogic Server:
  • A new -DserverType=wlx start argument for managed servers reduces their memory footprint, by preventing startup of the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA), and Java Message Service (JMS) services.
  • The default value of s_forms-c4wsstatus is now set to 'Disabled'.Thus, the formsc4-ws servers are no longer started during a 'start all' operation.
  • To reduce oacore startup time, the Portlet Producer libraries are no longer deployed to the EBS domain. A new context variable, s_deploy_portlet, has been introduced to cater for cases where portlet-related configuration is required, such as in instances needing Webcenter integration.

3.5 New 'dualfs' option in standard cloning
New option
A new 'dualfs' option is available when performing a standard clone, as well as while adding a new node. With the 'dualfs' option, both the run and patch file systems are cloned and configured in a single operation.

Doc ID 2050998.1