1. Demo Certificates
The below messages in your Web logic Log indicates that
your web logic domain holds a risk.
you do not want SSL communication for your web services or applications. The
internal (administrative) processes in your Weblogic domain
still relies on the default demotrust and with this everyone can access
your domain
2. Generate the identity java keystore
keytool -genkey -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA -alias hostname -keystore hostname_identity.jks
3. Generate signing request
keytool -certreq -alias hostname -file certnew.csr
-keystore hostname_identity.jks
4. Certificate Authority (CA)
Certificate Authority to sign your certificate requests
(the .CSR files you generated).
You can create your own CA and self-sign them, Shall use
an external Internet CA provider,
Since this becomes expensive and time prone when you need
such an external provider to sign every SSL enabled server in your landscape.
The best situation for us would be if the current
organization already has an internal CA provider, especially when the rootCA is trusted by the
servers and machines in your landscape.
5. Convert .p7b file to Readable Format#
$ openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in certnew.p7b -out
6. Importing the CA response
Import the certificates in your keystore, starting with
the rootCA, then the intermediateCA, then the specific server alias
keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias rootca -file
ca.crt -keystore hostname_identity.jks
keytool -importcert -alias intermediateca -file
initca.crt -keystore hostname_identity.jks
keytool -importcert -alias server01 -file certnew.cer
-keystore hostname_identity.jks
keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias rootca -file
ca.crt -keystore hostname_trust.jks
keytool -importcert -alias intermediateca -file
initca.crt -keystore hostname_trust.jks
7. Change Settings in Weblogic Server
NB: Make sure you take a back up of config.xml, before you proceed to Enable SSL.
Location: $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<DOMAIN>/config/config.xml
By Preserving this at any point you can roll back changes, and resume services with the old settings.
Login into the Weblogic Console
Go to Domain Structure > IDMDomain >>Environment
>> Servers
Make sure SSL Listen Port should be checked.
Click on Keystores Tab
& Click on Keystores::Change >> Select “Custom Identity and Custom
Custom Identity Keystore
<Give full keystore path>
Custom Identity Keystore
Type <JKS>
Custom Identity Keystore
Passphrase <anything>
Same for Custom Trust
Keystore: You can give keystore path or CACERTS path.
Click on SSL tab >
Private Key Alias > Give
the alias name what you given while you generating keystore file and
Click Save.
Goto Change Centre >> Activate Changes.
Restart the Admin Server. The Admin log should like below.
NB: Also make sure "JSSE" check box is checked, Under SSL> Advanced tab.
NB: Also make sure "JSSE" check box is checked, Under SSL> Advanced tab.
NB: Repeat these steps for intended Managed Servers
Verify your URL:
8. Change the OAM protocol
By Preserving this at any point you can roll back changes, and resume services with the old settings.
After Enable SSL, Change in (11gR2 PS3 OAM). Login into the "oamconsole" and change the Protocol to SSL
NB: Make sure you take a back up of oam-config.xml, before you proceed to Enable Protocol.
Location: $MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<DOMAIN>/config/fmwconfig/oam-config.xml
By Preserving this at any point you can roll back changes, and resume services with the old settings.
Goto Access Manager Settings > Change OAM Server Port to
SSL Port & OAM Server Protocol to “https”
Restart the OAM Managed Server
Login into the EBS and Test whether your URL is redirecting to the oam SSL url.
Hi Srikanth, thanks for compiling this info but at this stage, we would already have accessgate deployed in EBS R12.2 using non-SSL url, don't you think we need to re-deploy it with SSL url with command similar to:
ReplyDeleteperl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl ebs-create-oaea_resources -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -deployApps=accessgate -SSOServerURL=http://oamhostname.domain.com:14101 -logfile=$TEMP/WG/EBS_adProv_${DB}.log