Sunday, August 23, 2015

RMAN Frequently Asked Questions FAQ's

Why Use RMAN?
Most production database systems impose stringent requirements on backup and recovery. As a DBA in charge of backup and recovery, you must:
·         Manage the complexity of backup and recovery operations
·         Minimize the possibility of human error
·         Make backups scalable and reliable
·         Utilize all available media hardware
·         Make backups proportional to the size of transactional changes, not to the size of database
·         Make recovery time proportional to the amount of data recovered
Before getting into the configure command, let’s first take a look at our default settings by using the show command:

RMAN configuration parameters are:
CONFIGURE SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME TO '/u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/dbs/snapcf_TARGDB.f'; # default
From the above listing, you can see that the RMAN allows you to set default values for some of the following:
·         The default retention policy. This determines which backups and copies are eligible for deletion because they are no longer needed.
·         Turning ON and OFF backup optimization. Backup optimization eliminates duplicate backups of identical datafiles (like those associated with a read-only tablespace) and archived redo logs.
·         A default device type for RMAN jobs, (disk or tape [sbt])
·         The default for automated backups of the control file to ON or OFF. You can also control the default format of the control file backup output files and the default device on which to create these backups.
·         The number of channels (for parallelization) that are automatically allocated when performing automated backup and recovery/restore jobs.
·         A tablespace exclusion policy to configure specific tablespaces to be excluded during full database backup operations. If there are no tablespace exclusion policies defined, nothing will be displayed by the show all command.
·         The maximum size for any given backup piece and the size of any backup set when performing automated backups.
·         The default filename for the snapshot controlfile.

Backup Archive Logs (All)
·         In the following example, I provide an RMAN command to backup all archive logs and to delete the archive redo log files from their archive destination (on disk) when the backup it complete.
% rman target backup_admin/backup_admin nocatalog

RMAN> backup archivelog all delete input;

Used to control how long RMAN will keep backups. This can be configured by the "number" of backups taken, or by the numbers of "days" to keep. Here is an example of both:

Note that when configuring a retention policy, RMAN will not cause backups to be automatically deleted. The retention policy will, however, mark backups as OBSOLETE that have fallen outside the retention period. RMAN commands like "REPORT OBSOLETE" and "DELETE OBSOLETE" will work with these obsolete backups.
·         Used to enable or disable backup optimization. Backup file optimization can assist in reducing the space used to backup the database. When performing an RMAN backup, a check is done on the file before backup to see if the file already exists in a backupset with the same information: (dbid, checkpoint, and resetlogs data).
·         For archive logs, the same file means the same dbid, thread, sequence, and resetlogs data. If the DELETE INPUT option is used, RMAN deletes all the files that would have been backed up, even when the file is not included due to file optimization.
·         The two possible values for backup optimization is ON and OFF as shown in the following example syntax:

To do a full backup:
backup as compressed backupset database plus archivelog delete all input tag = '${tag};
To determine if more than 50% of your data has changed during incremental backups:
select file# incremental_level, completion_time, blocks, datafile_blocks from v$backup_datafile
where incremental_level > 0 and blocks/datafile_blocks > .5 order by completion_time
To backup a database incrementally: 
backup incremental level # database tag = '${tag}';
To see how much space is used and what's using it in the flash recovery area:
SQL> select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage;

------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------
CONTROLFILE                   0                         0               0
ONLINELOG                     0                         0               0
ARCHIVELOG                  .22                         0               1
BACKUPPIECE                8.45                         0              22
IMAGECOPY                     0                         0               0
FLASHBACKLOG                  0                         0               0
To see how much space is used/reclaimable in the flash recovery area:
SQL> select * from v$recovery_file_dest;

------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ----------------- ---------------
/oracle/flash_recovery_area     2.1475E+10 1861050368                 0              23
To enable
alter database enable block change tracking;
alter database enable block change tracking using file '${file}' reuse;
The reuse tells the system to overwrite any file that's there.
To determine if block change tracking is on:
SQL> select status from v$block_change_tracking;

to enable block change tracking:
SQL> alter database enable block change tracking using file '/oracle/oradata/oci1/' reuse;
To ID the file being used for block change tracking:
SQL> select filename from v$block_change_tracking;

RMAN Backup Formats: Image Copies and Backup Sets
RMAN backups can be stored in one of two formats:
  • Image Copy
  • Backup Set
Image Copies
An image copy is an exact copy of a single datafile, archived redo log file, or control file. Image copies are not stored in an RMAN-specific format. They are identical to the results of copying a file with the UNIX cp command. This is the same as a Cold Backup.
Backup Sets
A backup set is a collection of files (called backup pieces) each of which contain the backup to one or more database files. A backup set contains the data from one or more datafiles or archived redo logs, or control files or spfile. Datafiles and archivelogs cannot be mixed together in the same backup set.
Binary Compression of Backup Sets
You can use binary compression to reduce the size of your backup sets. The compression algorithm built into the Oracle server is tuned specifically for efficient compression of Oracle archived logs and datafiles, and will generally yield better compression than general-purpose compression utilities not tuned for Oracle database files.
Restoring Default Values for Configured Settings
-- Reset any CONFIGURE setting to its default by running the command with the CLEAR option
RMAN> configure retention policy clear;
RMAN> configure controlfile autobackup format for device type disk clear;

Viewing Current Settings

RMAN> show all;
SQL>  COLUMN name  FORMAT a20 wrap
SELECT    name, value FROM v$rman_configuration;

Backing up Database Files
Use the BACKUP AS COPY to make image copies of the database files (a.k.a. cold backup).
Use the BACKUP AS BACKUPSET to backup up files into backup sets. A backup set consists of one or more backup pieces, physical files containing the data. A backup set usually contains only one backup piece. Only RMAN can create and restore backup sets. You will usually configure the persistent settings in advance of the BACKUP command.
-- make an image copy (cold backup) of a database
RMAN> backup as copy database;
-- backup a database and archived logs to disk; in backup set format
RMAN> backup as backupset device type disk database plus archivelog;
Incremental Backups
If you specify BACKUP INCREMENTAL, RMAN will create incremental backups of your database. Incremental backups capture on a block-by-block basis changes in your database since a previous incremental backup. The starting point for an incremental backup strategy is a level 0 incremental backup, which backs up all blocks in the database. Level 1 incremental backups, taken at regular intervals, contain only changed blocks since a previous incremental backup. These can be cumulative (including all blocks changed since the most recent level 0 backup) or differential (including only blocks changed since the most recent incremental backup, whether it is level 0 or level 1).
During a restore from incremental backup, the level 0 backup is used as the starting point, then changed blocks are updated based on level 1 backups where possible to avoid re-applying changes from redo one at a time. If incremental backups are available, RMAN will use them during recovery.
Validating Backups
Validation confirms that a backup could be run, by confirming that all database files exist, are in their correct location, and are free of physical and logical corruption:
RMAN> backup validate database archivelog all;

Recovering a Database
Use the RESTORE DATABASE and RECOVER DATABASE commands on the whole database.
RMAN> startup force mount;
RMAN> restore database;
RMAN> recover database;
RMAN> alter database open;
The database must not be open when restoring or recovering the entire database.
Recovering Individual Data Blocks
RMAN can recover individual corrupted datafile blocks. When RMAN performs a complete scan of a file for a backup, any corrupted blocks are listed in V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION. Corruption can be reported in alert logs, trace files or results of SQL queries.
-- repair all corrupted blocks
RMAN> blockrecover corruption list;
-- recover individual blocks
RMAN> blockrecover datafile datafile# block block#;

Validating Restores
You can run a RESTORE VALIDATE operation to confirm that a restore operation can be performed successfully. RMAN decides which backup sets, datafile copies, and archived logs are needed for the operation, and scans them to verify that they are usable.
-- confirm the recovery of a database
RMAN> restore database validate;

Lists and Reports
RMAN has extensive listing and reporting functionality allowing you to monitor you backups and maintain the recovery catalog:
-- Show copy information for all image copies
RMAN> list copy;
-- Show backup information for all backup pieces
RMAN> list backup;
-- Show all backup details for backup sets
RMAN> list backup of database;
RMAN> list copy of datafile 1, 2, 3;
-- which files need backing up under current retention policy
RMAN> report need backup database;
-- list all datafiles for which an unrecoverable operation has been performed
-- against an object in the datafile since the last backup of the datafile.
RMAN> report unrecoverable;
-- Show items that beed 7 days worth of
-- archivelogs to recover completely
RMAN> report need backup days = 7 database; 
-- Show/Delete items not needed for recovery
RMAN> report obsolete;
RMAN> delete obsolete;
-- Show/Delete items not needed for point-in-time
-- recovery within the last week
RMAN> report obsolete recovery window of 7 days;
RMAN> delete obsolete recovery window of 7 days;
-- Show/Delete items with more than 2 newer copies available
RMAN> report obsolete redundancy = 2 device type disk;
RMAN> delete obsolete redundancy = 2 device type disk;
-- Show datafiles that connot currently be recovered
RMAN> report unrecoverable database;
RMAN> report unrecoverable tablespace USERS;

Monitoring RMAN through V$ views
Status information for jobs in progress and completed jobs is stored in V$RMAN_STATUS. V$RMAN_OUTPUT contains the text ouptut of all RMAN jobs.
-- display status information on running RMAN job
SELECT    operation
                , status
                , mbytes_processed
                , start_time
                , end_time
FROM     v$rman_status
-- To calculate the progress of an RMAN job,
-- run the following query in SQL*Plus while the RMAN job is executing
SELECT    sid
                , serial#
                , context
                , sofar
                , totalwork
                , ROUND(sofar/totalwork*100,2) "% Complete"
FROM     v$session_longops
WHERE   opname like 'rman%'
AND         opname NOT LIKE '%aggregate%'
AND         totalwork != 0
AND         sofar <> totalwork

Managing the RMAN Repository
RMAN repository metadata is always stored in the control file of the target database. You can also create a recovery catalog in a separate database, and RMAN will record its metadata there as well.
Monitoring Control File Records
If you do not use a recovery catalog, you must pre-determined how log the control file will keep RMAN information. The CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter will set how long records RMAN control file records are kept.
-- init.ora parameter
control_file_record_keep_time = number_of_days_to_keep

Crosschecking Backups
The CROSSCHECK command checks whether RMAN backups and copies in the repository can still be accessed.
Use the CROSSCHECK command to synchronize the physical reality of backups and copies with their logical records in the RMAN repository.
-- checks RMAN backups on configured devices
RMAN> crosscheck backup;
Deleting Backups and Copies
The DELETE command removes RMAN backups and copies from disk and tape devices, marks the objects as DELETED in the control file, and removes the records from the recovery catalog (if you use a catalog).
RMAN> delete backupset 101, 102, 103;
RMAN> delete noprompt archivelog until sequence = 7300;
RMAN> delete backup of spfile tablespace USERS device type disk;
RMAN> delete archivelog all backed up 2 times to device type disk;
-- delete backups marked as EXPIRED ("not found" by the CROSSCHECK command)
RMAN> delete expired;
-- delete backups that are obsolete under the retention policy
RMAN> delete noprompt obsolete;

RMAN and Scripting
RMAN supports the use of stored scripts and command files. A command file is a client-side text file containing RMAN commands, exactly as you enter them at the RMAN prompt.
-- execute the contents of a command file using the RMAN @ command
RMAN> @/directory/command_file.txt
--  launch RMAN with a command file to run
% rman @/directory/command_file.txt
Any file extension may be used.

Creating a Recovery Catalog
Allocating Disk Space for the Recovery Catalog Database
Type of Space
Space Requirement
SYSTEM tablespace
400 MB
Temp tablespace
16 MB
Rollback or undo tablespace
16 MB
Recovery catalog tablespace
16 MB for each database registered in the recovery catalog
Online redo logs
4 MB each (3 groups, each with 2 members)
Typical Recovery Catalog Space Requirements for 1 Year
Create the Recovery Catalog Schema in the Recovery Catalog Database
% sqlplus sys/password as sysdba@catalogDB
create tablespace RECOVERY
  datafile '/fsysx/ORACLE/SID/recovery01.dbf' SIZE 100M REUSE
  extent management local
-- create the RMAN schema
create user rman identified by password;
alter user rman
  temporary tablespace TEMP
  default tablespace RECOVERY
  quota unlimited on RECOVERY
grant create session to rman
-- grant rman the recovery_catalog_owner role.
grant recovery_catalog_owner to rman
Create the Recovery Catalog
-- create the catalog
% rman catalog rman/password@rmanSID
RMAN> create CATALOG tablespace rman_tablespace;
Register a Database
Each database to be backed up by RMAN must be registered:
-- register the database in the recovery catalog
% rman TARGET sys/password@targetSID CATALOG rmanuser/password@rmanSID
RMAN> register database;
-- verify that the registration was successful
RMAN> report schema;
Registering Multiple Databases in a Recovery Catalog
You can register multiple target databases in a single recovery catalog, if they do not have duplicate DBIDs. RMAN uses the DBID to distinguish one database from another.

Summary of RMAN Recovery Catalog Views

The following table provides a functional summary of RMAN recovery catalog views.
Recovery Catalog View
Corresponding V$ View
Catalog View Describes ...
Archived and unarchived redo logs
Details about archived redo log backups for Enterprise Manager
Summary of information about archived redo log backups for Enterprise Manager
Control files backed up in backup sets
Details about control file backups for Enterprise Manager
Summary of information about control file backups for Enterprise Manager
Details about datafile image copy backups for Enterprise Manager
Summary of information about datafile image copy backups for Enterprise Manager
Corrupt block ranges in datafile backups
Datafiles in backup sets
Details about datafile backups for Enterprise Manager
Summary of information about datafile backups for Enterprise Manager
RMAN backups and copies known to the repository.
Backup pieces
Details about backup pieces for Enterprise Manager
Archived redo logs in backup sets
Backup sets for all incarnations of databases registered in the catalog
Details about backup sets for Enterprise Manager
Summary of information about backup sets for Enterprise Manager
Server parameter files in backups
Details about server parameter file backups for Enterprise Manager
Summary of information about server parameter file backups for Enterprise Manager
Deprecated in favor ofRC_RESYNC
Control file copies on disk
Corrupt block ranges in datafile copies
Databases registered in the recovery catalog
Database blocks marked as corrupted in the most recent RMAN backup or copy
Database incarnations registered in the recovery catalog
Datafiles registered in the recovery catalog
Datafile copies on disk
Online redo log history indicating when log switches occurred
Offline ranges for datafiles
Archived log backups taken with the proxy copy functionality
Details about proxy archived redo logs for Enterprise Manager
Summary of information about proxy archived redo logs for Enterprise Manager
Control file backups taken with the proxy copy functionality
Details about datafile proxy copies for Enterprise Manager
Summary of information about datafile proxy copies for Enterprise Manager
Datafile backups that were taken using the proxy copy functionality
Online redo logs for all incarnations of the database since the last catalog resynchronization
All redo threads for all incarnations of the database since the last catalog resynchronization
All restore points for all incarnations of the database since the last catalog resynchronization
Recovery catalog resynchronizations
Details about backup jobs for Enterprise Manager
Details about backup subjobs for Enterprise Manager
Used internally by Enterprise Manager
RMAN configuration settings
Output from RMAN commands for use in Enterprise Manager
Historical status information about RMAN operations.
Databases in a Data Guard environment
Names of scripts stored in the recovery catalog
Contents of the scripts stored in the recovery catalog
All tablespaces registered in the recovery catalog, all dropped tablespaces, and tablespaces that belong to old incarnations
All tempfiles registered in the recovery catalog
Unusable backup files registered in the recovery catalog

When Duplicating a database from A Raw Backup
RMAN> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE '?/oradata/trgt/tools01.dbf' TO '/tmp/tools01.dbf';
RMAN> RESTORE DATAFILE '?/oradata/trgt/tools01.dbf';

Resynchronizing the Recovery Catalog
When RMAN performs a resynchronization, it compares the recovery catalog to either the current control file of the target database or a backup control file and updates the recovery catalog with information that is missing or changed. When resynchronizing, RMAN does the following:
1.       Creates a snapshot control file.
2.       Compares the recovery catalog to the snapshot control file.
3.       Updates the recovery catalog with missing or changed information.
RMAN performs resynchronizations automatically as needed when you execute certain commands, including BACKUP. You can also manually perform a full resynchronization using the RESYNC CATALOG command.

Three types of resynchronization are possible in RMAN:
1.      Full resynchronization
2.      Partial resynchronization
3.      Reverse resynchronization

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